Thursday, November 4, 2010

Update for November Give

Hey, everyone! Tarra an Tosha have sent me some more information regarding the Turkey Trot! I thought the registration was $15, but they have corrected me with the following prices:

If you register by Friday, November 5th the fee is $11.00
If you register between November 6th and the 23rd the fee is $16.00
If you register on race day, November 25th, the fee is $21.00
If you have a child that is 6 or under, the fee is $7.00

*You may print/send in a registration form (must be postmarked by the 5th) from the website below OR

*You may walk into Hurst Chiropractic Clinic to register OR

*You may register online at the following website:


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November Give

This is one of the best times of year for me! The cooler days, the beautiful fall leaves, it all reminds me of how much I am thankful for. I hope everyone is doing well and making a list of all of their blessings! Our give this month will be supporting the annual Turkey Trot. I think most of us know the details about the trot, but for those that don't:

This is the 5th year that the Turkey Trot has been going on. It is a 5K run/walk that costs $15.00 ( I think!) and you receive a free tee-shirt. All of the proceeds from this event go to help the West End Fire Department and other local charitable donations. It starts at West Minico Junior High and everyone that I know that has attended has loved it! I am strongly encouraging everyone to go support this fun and healthy event. Don't feel pressured to run all of the way (I probably won't even run part of the way!), you may go at your own pace. I believe there are prizes for the top three winners in men, women, and children categories. There are also prizes for silly costumes and other categories, too. Hope everyone shows up and has a good time!

I am also getting together a couple of families for our December give. I have one already picked out and will hopefully have another soon so I will get the ages and sizes of the children out soon. I would not only like to give the children a few toys or clothes, but even a tree and the fixings for Christmas dinner. Once I get everything organized, I would like people to sign up for certain things so that we are not overlapping and getting too many toys and no food or something like that. If you have an extra tree or decorations sitting around and would like to donate them, would you please drop me an email or comment on the blog? I would like to get as much done for this give as we can by the 10th of December or so. Thanks so much for all of your help!