Sunday, January 31, 2010

Canned Food Drive Update

A big thank you to everyone that donated their canned food on Saturday. We had a couple of people that forgot their donations and asked if they could have a day or two extra. We went ahead and left some boxes at Grandma Stapelman's house so if you are going by there and would still like to contribute, we will wait a couple of extra days before delivering it to the food bank.

Be watching the blog for some fun pictures of Saturday evening. You just might see your mug featured on the web!

Also- be watching for an email and post on the blog with more details about the February give. We will be hosting a Valentine's Day party at a local retirement home and we will be asking some of the kids for their talents. You can't imagine how much the people in these kinds of home enjoy watching the kids sing and dance. If one of your kids has a special talent that they would like to share, please drop me an email or post it on the blog so we can figure out where we are!
Thanks again-


  1. There's enough talent in this family to put on a day long party! Have you checked to see what kind of treats we might serve or are we just doing a little program?
    How about Valentine's to hand out?

  2. Taylar has a piano piece she could do and Hayley could play the violin. That is if we can talk them into it. haha
